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Club Sport Council Contacts

Club Sport Council Contacts

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All club members and coaches must carry a Colorado School of Mines Blastercard when participating in any club function (practice, games or events). ID check will be performed at check-in at every practice and game throughout the school year. Members without an ID will not be permitted to participate until they are able to appropriately show their ID.


Should a participant in a Colorado School of Mines Club Sport event be identified as a non-student who is ineligible or a student that has not signed the liability forms, the following sanctions may be taken, depending on the severity of the circumstances:

  1. Practice time, facility space and/or funding may be suspended or removed.
  2. The Club may be placed on probation.
  3. The Club may be suspended from the Club Sports Program.


Important Club Participant Forms

All club participants must complete mandatory forms each academic year. Members are not able to participate with their club in any way until all forms are complete. If a student joins the team at a later date, it is the responsibility of the club president to ensure that the forms are completed prior to participation.


Release from Responsibility, Assumption of Risk and Waiver

Each club member must sign a participation waiver prior to participating in any club related activity. This waiver covers participation in club events, club related travel, and driving personal vehicles on club trips.


Club Sport Code of Conduct

All club officers, players and coaches must sign a Club Sport Code of Conduct.


Officer Signature Responsibility

All officers must complete this form for the club to process expenditures and travel.


Club Sports Program Code of Conduct

The basic concept underlying the Club Sports Program Code of Conduct is that students, by enrolling in the University, assume an obligation to conduct themselves and their organizations in a manner compatible with the University's function as an educational institution. Individuals must always conduct themselves in a manner that does not detract from the reputation of the University. This includes behavior in game situations, contact with other teams and event staff or in the community hosting competitions. Whether on or off-campus and when traveling, club sport members represent Colorado School of Mines. It is the prerogative of each individual member of Club Sports to uphold their peers to the code of conduct and report to Club Sports Council in the event of an infraction.





Violation of, or non-compliance with, the University Student Code of Conduct policies, campus regulations, Club Sport procedures or standards of conduct may result in loss of Club Sport membership or other disciplinary action being taken against the club/individuals involved based the severity of the infraction.


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Sexual Harassment & Title IX

Sexual Harassment


  • Mines Policy Prohibiting Gender-Based Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, and Sexual Violence Mines prohibits gender-based discrimination, sexual harassment and any form of sexual violence (domestic/dating violence and stalking included) among the Mines campus community. Mines does not discriminate against any person because of gender, gender identity or gender expression. Mines will not tolerate any form of sexual harassment or sexual violence within the Mines campus community. Mines will also not tolerate any form of retaliation against a community member for reporting complaints,

cooperating with investigations and proceedings related to such complaints or engaging in activities that oppose gender-based discrimination, sexual harassment or sexual violence.


  • Reporting

If you or someone you know experiences gender-based discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual violence, domestic/dating violence, stalking, or retaliation, we encourage you to report it to the Title IX Office. The Title IX Office’s goals are to ensure students can continue to access their education in an environment that is safe, and is free from discrimination, harassment, and violence.


Title IX Reporting Options –



On-Campus: Report confidentially to any of the following individuals.  You can learn about reporting and accommodations options.

Off-Campus: Report confidentially 24/7 to the Blue Bench, Denver Metro’s only comprehensive sexual assault center

  • English: 303.322.7273
  • Spanish: 303.329.0031

Off-Campus: Report confidentially 24/7 to Victim Outreach Incorporated (VOI), which offers comprehensive support services to victims of crime and/or trauma.

Phone: 303.202.2196



  • It is most effective to report directly to the jurisdiction in which the crime occurred. However, Mines Police (303.273.3333) and any individual from the Title IX team can help you make a report.
  • If you or someone you know is in danger, call 911.




Other Options


Please see Mines’ Policy and Procedure for Resolution for more information.



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Hazing & Alcohol

Hazing Policy

Hazing is against the law in the state of Colorado. Hazing means any activity by which a person recklessly endangers the health or safety of, or causes a risk of bodily injury to, an individual for purpose of initiation, admission into, or affiliation with any student organization; except that hazing does not include customary athletic events or other similar contests or competitions, or authorized training activities conducted by members of the armed forces of the state of Colorado or the United States. Hazing includes but is not limited to:


  1. Forced and prolonged physical activity.
  2. Forced consumption of any food, beverage, medication or controlled substance, whether or not prescribed, in excess of the usual amount for human consumption or any substance not generally intended for human consumption.
  3. Prolonged deprivation of sleep, food, or drink.


Furthermore, Colorado School of Mines has adopted the following addition to the above policy:

  1. Physical hazing shall be defined as any activity which is harmful or humiliating to the individual (i.e. paddling, abandonment, excessive exercise, eating repulsive food, exposure to extreme temperatures, nudity, consumption of alcohol or drugs, etc.).
  2. Psychological hazing shall be defined as any public act or in-house act which compromises the personal dignity of an individual, thereby: causing personal embarrassment or shame to the individual, causing an individual to be the object of malicious amusement or ridicule, or causing an individual psychological harm or emotional strain.
  3. Any requirements by an initiate or new member which compel another initiate or new member to participate in any activity which is illegal, which is known by the compelling party to be contrary to an

Individual’s moral or religious beliefs, or which is contrary to the rules/regulations of the university shall be construed as hazing.



Alcohol Use and Student Organizations


The consumption of alcohol or controlled substances prior to or while participating in any Club Sport related event is not permitted. Showing up for any club related event under the influence of and/or impaired by alcohol or controlled substances will result in disciplinary action which may involve immediate suspension from the club and reporting of the issue to Judicial Affairs. Failure to report known potential alcohol/substance use violations of other club members may result in disciplinary action.


To be clear, this means that even club participants who are of legal age to use legal substances such as alcohol or marijuana are not permitted to participate in any Club Sport related activity under the influence or impairment of those substances. Although Colorado Amendment 64 permits the legal use of marijuana for those 21 years of age and older, the possession or use of marijuana on campus is still prohibited.


Further, alcoholic beverages and controlled substances are not allowed on Mines property and may not be transported or consumed in state vehicles. Given the risks associated with alcohol and controlled substances, their usage is prohibited during Club Sport travel dates as identified on the travel request form, regardless of age.


Club Sport activities held off-campus may not advertise alcoholic beverages as part of the event. Sale of alcohol by the club is prohibited. If a Club Sport event is held at an establishment where alcoholic beverages are sold, event organizers must realize the increased risk of accidents due to alcohol use and the potential liability for the organization.

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Club Sport Council

Campus Recreation Club Sport Organizational Chart













Club Sports Council

The Colorado School of Mines Club Sports Council is the governing body for the Colorado School of Mines Club Sport program. Club Sports Council members are an extension of the professional staff of the Club Sports Program. Club Sports Council members serve as the primary resource for clubs and in a number of capacities, including the process and review of paperwork, booking hotels and rental cars, managing club rosters, teaching first aid/CPR & AED, coordinating fundraising efforts and much more. The Club Sports Council duties are as follows:


  1. Assist with and inform the annual fee allocation process
  2. Evaluate and provide recommendations on the Club Sports Program budget process as necessary
  3. Review and approve requests for supplemental funding/other expense requests
  4. Aid the Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports in the operation of the Club Sports Program
  5. Review and provide recommendations on requests for the addition of new clubs
  6. Other responsibilities as determined by the Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports


The Club Sports Council consists of as many members as necessary to run a successful Club Sports Program. Other policies relevant to the Council are:

  • Ex-officio members include the Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports and a Club Sport Student Advisor who functions as the secretary.
  • Any Mines undergraduate student may be nominated and elected to be on the Club Sports Council that are up for reelection.
  • Elections are directed by the current President of Club Sports and occur whenever a position on the Club Sports Council is being vacated. The shadowing period must begin during the last semester of the outgoing council member. The timeline is ultimately up to the discretion of the current President and Senior Director of Club and Intramural Sports.
  • Only two current club sport student advisors may be members on the Club Sports Council.
  • All Club Sports Council members are required to be first aid, cpr & aed instructor certified.
  • All Club Sports Council members must hold office hours.


All CSC members operate within one of the position categories outlined as follows:


President - provide overall vision and direction for the program; aid the club presidents in the governance of their club by providing trainings, resources, and by executing disciplinary action; maintain rosters, PA credit, and excused absences; oversee Club Sports Council elections; run Club Sports Council meetings; implement leadership and development opportunities.

Vice President of Risk Management - ensure their clubs have completed all initial participant forms, travel meetings, first aid kits, CPR training, and Concussion Baseline testing. Assist with weekly newsletter and assist other officers.


Vice President of Treasury- work with each club’s treasurer to set dues and budgets for the upcoming year; process all travel itineraries, travel authorization, travel expenses, and purchases.


Vice President of Communications - generate weekly reports; work with each club to ensure webpages are up to date; process any marketing requests; organize efforts for campus recognition; organize sponsorships; aid in social media account management.


Vice President of Fundraising- meet with each club to go over all fundraising efforts; ensure policies, procedures, and protocols are being followed, organize sponsorships.



Club Sports Officer Meetings

Each club officer must maintain meaningful and current communication with each officer’s counterpart on the Club Sports Council. The purpose of the meetings is to disseminate information from the Club Sports Council and the Department of Club Sports, to share ideas among members to assist in club sport growth and development.

Attendance at meetings is critical to the success of the club, and therefore mandatory. Attendance will impact the club’s ability to use facilities, travel, spend funds and earn PA credit.


Club Sports

Clubs are ultimately responsible for making certain that each club participant of their respective club meets the minimum eligibility requirements and participant responsibilities. In addition, the entire club is responsible for making certain that all club responsibilities, policies and procedures in this manual are met and/or followed by the club as a whole and each club participant.


Clubs are responsible for maintaining accurate records and rosters as a club sport at Colorado School of Mines with Campus Recreation.

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Club Officer Duties and Responsibilities

Club Officers

Many clubs start enthusiastically only to fizzle out before the end of the year. This dilemma is usually the result of one person (commonly the president) trying to take care of every club detail, but one person alone cannot successfully accomplish everything pertaining to the club. All officers must fulfil their duties with the club.


Because Club Sports are student-managed organizations, officers are responsible for full oversight of their club. Each club must have a minimum of five student officers as outlined below.


All club officers must be full fee-paying (taking at least six credits) matriculated students at Colorado School of Mines.


The officer descriptions and responsibilities listed below contain the minimum expectations of officers set forth by the Club Sports Office. Clubs are able to use their discretion to assign additional responsibilities to the officer positions outlined below, or create additional officer positions (e.g. marketing, website development, etc.). However, the duties outlined for each officer position below cannot be removed or transferred to another officer.


*Clubs must fill each of the three officer positions with unique individuals. However, the President/Vice President of Communications, Vice President of Risk Management Officer, and the Vice President of Treasury/Vice President Fundraising roles may be split among two people.

President/Vice President of Communications

The president will provide an overall vision and direction for the club while ensuring the club operates within the procedures, rules, and regulations set forth in the Club Sport manual. The president is responsible for communicating all policies and procedures to all members associated with their club including, but not limited to, members, coaches, and faculty/staff advisors. Specifically, this role will;

  • Conduct regularly scheduled club meetings  
  • Coordinate practice times and locations.
  • Be in contact with the CSC president as often as necessary to successfully run the club
  • Attend all required meetings in the Club Sports Office with the Club Sports Council
  • Serve as the liaison with the Club Sports Council and the Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports
  • Seek prior approval for all club business through the Club Sports Council, including but not limited to, fundraising, publicity, purchases, travel, marketing, Daily Blasts, and anything on behalf of the club
  • Check the club mailbox at least once per week
  • Ensure the following information is current and on file with the Club Sports Office for all club members:
    • Club Bylaws
    • Practice and Game Schedules
  • Train future President on all tasks and procedures
  • Maintain inventory of club equipment and supplies
  • Delegate responsibility and develop strategies to actively engage all club members
  • Serves as the backup for all other officer duties and is ultimately responsible for ensuring completion, reporting, and documentation of Club Sports Office mandated responsibilities
  • Ensure club meets all requirements to stay in good standing
  • Ensure everyone at the practice is eligible and able to participate
  • If practices are held off campus the club President, in addition to Coach’s record, is expected to keep attendance records

The Vice President of Communications will maintain up-to-date rosters, alumni lists, competitive records and handle all marketing campaigns. The Vice President of Communications is responsible for updating the online website with current headshots, scheduling, and game results. Specifically, this role will:

  • Report all competition results to the Club Sports Council Secretary via WordPress within 48 hours of completion of play.
    • Club Secretaries, Fundraising Chair, and Coach will have access as authors to the blog post
  • Submit practice, game, and event schedules as set forth in the Club Sport manual
  • Request practice, game, and event facility space as set forth in the Club Sport manual
  • Maintain communication with Club Sports Office regarding current practice and game schedules. Any schedule change must be communicated to the Club Sports Office no more than 24 hours after the club is aware of the change, and no later than 24 hours prior to the scheduled event.


Vice-President of Risk Management


The vice president of risk management will be responsible for communicating, maintaining, and implementing safety and risk management procedures, as well as helping the president with club business. Specifically, this role will:

  • Attend a mandatory weekly travel meeting prior to the weekend of travel at a time specified by the Club Sports Council.
    • NOTE - any officer from the club may attend
    • If the vice president/risk manager is not able to be present during this meeting, then one other officer from the team is required to attend this meeting.
    • If this meeting is not attended by any officer on the team and is not rescheduled, all reservations will be cancelled, and the CSC will assume the team is no longer travelling that weekend.
  • Carry first aid medical kit for any activities off campus and return and pick up the kit. This will provide players with the basic supplies needed to treat minor injuries while traveling.
  • Maintain emergency contact records for all club members and coaches and ensure this information is readily available to the club both when they are on campus and away from CSM
  • Ensure club is compliant with all Campus Recreation safety and risk management standards
  • Ensure the following information is current and on file with the Club Sports Office for all club members:
    • Club Roster, including names, email addresses, and phone numbers
    • Waiver and Liability forms
    • Insurance Information
    • Allergy and medical concerns information
    • Officer, coach, and advisor contact information, including names, email addresses, and phone numbers
  • Report all safety concerns, issues and incidents to the Club Sports Office no more than 24 hours after becoming aware of an issue
  • Inspect all equipment, facilities, and fields prior to any use and report all concerns to the Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports immediately
  • Ensure all members and coaches are thoroughly familiar with risk management policies and emergency action procedures for all relevant facilities
  • Ensure that a copy of all liability/waiver forms and emergency procedures are present during all club travel
  • Complete incident reports when traveling
  • Ensure participants have a current certification in American Heart Association CPR/AED for Professional Rescuer and First Aid valid through May of that school year
  • Deadlines for being certified fall within the week after census date. The exact date will be decided upon at the beginning of each semester.
  • Ensure that participants on their team are concussion baseline tested*



  • Note this only applies to Baseball, Cycling, Ice Hockey, Men’s and Women’s Lacrosse, Men’s and Women’s Rugby, Ski Team, Men’s and Women’s Soccer, Triathlon, and Men’s and Women’s Water Polo


Vice President of Treasury/Vice President of Fundraising

The club treasurer is responsible for working closely with the Club Sports Council Treasurer in maintaining the fiscal integrity of each club. The club treasurer will also oversee all travel arrangements for the club. Specifically, this role will:


  • Coordinate and confirm dues with the Club Sports Council Treasurer through FusionIM
  • Keep accurate financial records of club income/expenditures
  • Responsible for submitting all purchase orders/requests for purchases of $3,000 and above
  • Ensure all bills are paid on time
  • Submit all travel itineraries 4 weeks prior to departure for trips involving expenses and 2 weeks prior to departure for all trip not involving expenses (failure to complete itineraries on time will result in a warning for the first offense, followed by a $200 fine, this fine will increase by $50 for every additional late travel itinerary)
  • Submit travel expense report along with all receipts within 48 hours of completed travel
  • Work closely with Club Sport staff to finalize all details of hotel reservations, car rentals, tournament registration fees, etc.
  • Working closely with other officers as appropriate, develop and submit annual budget, as set forth in the Club Sport manual
  • Oversee fundraising efforts


The fundraising chair is responsible for working closely with the Club Sports Council Treasurer and Club Sports Council Fundraising Chair in developing a fundraising plan for the entire year. The fundraising chair will also run any fundraising campaigns and events on behalf of the club. Specifically, this role will:

  • Coordinate with the CSC Fundraising Chair to develop a fundraising plan at the beginning of each year.
  • Coordinate with the CSC Fundraising Chair on all efforts to fundraise for the club including, but not limited to, promoting the club’s fundraising events, generating fundraising event ideas, getting fundraisers approved by CSC and the school, etc.
  • Coordinate with the CSC President to ensure that all possible matching funds will be earned through Argus events.
  • Coordinate with the team’s treasurer to ensure that the club will have enough funds to have a positive budget by the end of the school year.



Other information and requirements pertinent to all officer positions:

  • All officers are required to attend mandatory officer trainings or meetings at the beginning of fall and spring semester each year. Specific days and times will vary by position and will be relayed to teams/officers prior to the end of prior semester.
  • All outgoing and incoming officers are required to attend a transition meeting prior to the end of spring semester each year. These meetings must be scheduled with your Club Sport Advisor. ALL outgoing and incoming officers must be present.
  • All members of the club, including the coach and officers, must maintain current American Heart Association CPR/AED certification.


Each November or April, depending on when clubs transition officers, clubs must complete an officer transition form. All outgoing and incoming officers must schedule and attend an officer transition meeting with their appointed Club Sport Student Advisor prior to the last day of November for fall transitions and prior to April 15th for spring transitions.

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Coaching positions may be filled by someone from inside or outside the university community with the approval of the club officers and the Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports. Volunteers, non-playing graduate students, or full- time staff members may coach clubs. Clubs may have one coach per ten club players maximum. Coaches must attend at least 2/3 of the practices and 95% of the games throughout the year.


Clubs are first and foremost student organizations; thus, it is important to remember that the internal organization and decision making of the club must be left to the club members and officers.

A coach has many opportunities to provide a positive influence on club members, both in terms of skill development and in interpersonal development. However, the coach must also be aware of the limitations of the position within the Club Sports Program. The coach must follow all university and departmental policies and procedures and does not take the place of the club’s officers. Matters involving the management of the club must be left to the club officers, members, the Club Sports Council, and the Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports.


All coaches are mandatory reporters

Mandatory Reporting of Sexual Harassment and/or Sexual Violence - As employees of the University, all student and professional staff are mandatory reporters and are therefore required to report any first-hand accounts or incidents of CSM student-involved harassment, sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, or sexual violence. Reports should be made to the Title IX Office, phone 303-384-2258 or 303-273-3260. Employees should also notify their immediate supervisor.


  • Recruiting & Hiring

Clubs cannot select a coach without first talking with the Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports.


Coaching announcements will be posted on the PageUP website, and must include duties, requirements and stipend information. All coaches and/or assistant coaches will be required to apply through the PageUp website. Finalists will be interviewed by the club officers in conjunction with the Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports. The coaching candidate will be required to complete a background check and sign an offer letter.


  • Onboarding & Training

Once complete, the coach will complete the required onboarding paperwork to include going in person to MAPS with two forms of identification. Once complete, the coach will be required to claim their MultiPass in order to complete departmental training on Canvas. The final step will be picking up their blastercard. All requirements must be completed prior to starting or coaching.


Coaches Access to the Rec. Center

Coaches will be given a Student Recreation Center membership for the duration they are actively coaching.

Coaching Expectations

Coach responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Complete and maintain all requirements of the department
  • Understand, comply with, and enforce all risk management policies and procedures.
  • Attend 95% of games and at least 2/3 of practices.
  • Develop and employ safety procedures.
  • Report any injuries, accidents, incidents the same day.
  • Coordinate practices and game schedules through the club officers.
  • Promote good sportsmanship on and off the field.
  • Fulfill PA credit requirements: take attendance, submit grades as outlined in PA Credit policy.
  • Additional duties as agreed upon by the coach, club officers, and Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports.


The Department of Campus Recreation has the right and obligation to protect club sports by relieving any coach from their position if they are deemed not to be following all University or Department of Campus Recreation rules and regulations or working in the best interest of the Club Sport. The dismissal of the coach is subject to appeal to the Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports.

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Discipline & Due Process

Discipline & Due Process


All clubs and their members have an obligation to operate within the rules and regulations set forth by the Colorado School of Mines and Department of Recreational Sports.  Any actions or activities that violate or possibly violate these policies will be shared with the appropriate school official for possible disciplinary action.  In addition to the disciplinary actions taken by the Department of Recreational Sports and the Club Sport Council, clubs may be held responsible for violations collectively and/or individually (when acting on behalf of the organization).  Club Sport Council members will recuse themselves from disciplinary hearings and/or actions concerning their club.


Disciplinary Process

Any violation of the guidelines presented in this handbook, or policies of Colorado School of Mines, the Division of Student Affairs, and Department of Recreation will result in disciplinary hearings with the Club Sport Council.  Disciplinary actions may include, but are not limited to individual and/or team punishments:

●     Probation

●     Loss of privileges including funding, facility reservations, equipment usage and storage, and other school services.

●     Forfeiture of recognition status through the Club Sport Council and the Colorado School of Mines.

●     Possible disciplinary actions taken by the school.

●     Removal of officer(s).

●     Travel restrictions for officer(s), participant(s) and/or the entire club.

●     Ineligible for PA credit.

●     Fines



Disciplinary actions will be determined by the following process:

  • The Club Sport Council will contact the President of the club to set up a date and time for the hearing.  This hearing must be held within 10 days of the club President being contacted or prior to games/tournaments and travel.  Until the hearing is held the following may be enforced:
    • Club account frozen
    • Loss of facility privileges
    • Loss of travel privileges
    • Cancellation of games, matches, or tournaments
  • The Executive board of the club may be present for the meeting if their schedule allows but only the president is required to attend. 
  • The Club Sport Council will inform the members of the Executive Board that are present of the alleged infraction.
  • The attending members of the Executive Board will have the chance to present any information regarding the alleged infraction.
  • The members of the Executive board that are present will be required to make a recommendation for any disciplinary action resulting from the alleged infraction.
  • The Club Sport Council and the Director of Intramural & Club Sports will then have the opportunity to ask any questions they may have.
  • At this point the hearing will be adjourned.
  • Following the hearing, the Club Sport Council will decide on the disciplinary action to be taken and inform the club.
  • Any officer failing to attend a meeting without approval from the CSC President, the club is subject to the following disciplinary actions:
    • First offense: $150 fine
    • Additional offenses: Disciplinary hearing as outlined above


Appeal Process

The appeal process exists to ensure that all disciplinary actions taken against members of the clubs are fair and equitable. Decisions made by the Club Sport Council may be appealed to the DIMCS. Be forewarned that the appeal of a disciplinary action that seems severe to the club could result in even harsher penalties being levied by the Director of Intramural & Club Sports.


The following steps must be followed to file an appeal:

  • Written notification (can be in an email from the president’s school email address) from the club president to the Director of Intramural & Club Sports detailing the club’s rationale for the appeal, and any circumstances related to the infraction(s), must be submitted within 72 hours.
  • The 72-hour period begins when written notification of the disciplinary action being taken is placed in the club’s mailbox (extensions may be granted at the Director of Intramural & Club Sports discretion).
  • The Director of Intramural & Club Sports will set up a meeting with the president of the club.
  • After fully investigating the situation, the Director of Intramural & Club Sports will notify the president of the club of the ruling on the appeal. This may include upholding, rejecting, or modifying the action taken by the Director of Intramural & Club Sports.
  • The Director of Intramural & Club Sports decision on the appeal is final. 
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Athletic Trainer



Athletic Trainer

The Athletic Trainer is a Certified Athletic Trainer and is contracted by Club Sports. The Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports will schedule the Athletic Trainer as well as a staff of student employees to provide coverage for on campus practices and home games for clubs. Athletes from clubs that do not receive on-site coverage by the athletic training staff can still make appointments to have injuries evaluated by contacting the Club Sports Council Vice President.


  • Staff Structure/Duties

The Athletic Training program has two levels of employees: A) Certified Athletic Trainers and B) student workers. Due to state law, only the Certified Athletic Trainers can provide injury evaluation services to athletes. Student staff members are able to provide emergency response (first aid, CPR, AED).


  • Immediate Care of Injury and Illness

If an athletic training staff member is available, he/she will be responsible for the initial on-field injury response following acute injury. Once this initial assessment is done, the athletic training staff will administer the appropriate first aid to the injured athlete and will make contact with emergency services when applicable. If the responding staff member is a student, he/she will refer the injured athlete to the Certified Athletic Trainer for injury evaluation (except in life-threatening situations in which 911 will be called instead).


The athletic training staff members are certified in CPR, AED and First Aid. AED’s are available on both floors of the SRC, in the Med Shed (next to IM South), and will be brought to CCAC and Fieldhouse practices and games.


  • Treatment and Rehabilitation

The athletic training program does not provide injury treatment or rehabilitating. The Certified Athletic Trainer will coordinate referrals to the Colorado School of Mines Wellness Center and other area healthcare providers. Once referred, all athletes must have written permission from their physician or physical therapist in order to be cleared and return to play with their club. Any athlete that is suspected of having a concussion is required to have a physician’s note for clearance before beginning return to play procedures (which commonly take 1 week or more).


  • Coverage of Home Events

Home games will be scheduled with an Athletic Trainer and/or an EMT. In the event there are multiple events taking place, the provided coverage will be dependent upon highest risk and/or league rules (some teams will be covered by student staff and other teams will have a Certified Athletic Trainer present). Club Sports reserves the right to deny the home event requests based on risk evaluation, prioritization, and time management. The athletic training staff member assigned to the game will be available 60 minutes prior to game time for pre- participation taping.


If club game time changes, Club Sports does not guarantee that the staff will be able to accommodate the change. The game coverage is scheduled in advance as required in our contract. Please communicate any game time change requests to the Director of Intramural and Club Sport at least 48 hours in advance to ensure an Athletic Trainer is available and to avoid the game being postponed/canceled.


  • Coverage of Away Events

Typically, the host team is responsible for providing adequate emergency response coverage at their events. Colorado Club Sport professionals have agreed to have Certified Athletic Trainers at all home events for hockey (m/w), lacrosse (m/w), rugby (m/w), and soccer (m/w). Club officers are encouraged to ask the teams hosting about what services will be provided prior to traveling and to follow up once arriving on-site. Clubs are responsible for reporting all off campus injuries and/or on campus injuries if staff isn’t present within 24 hours

*immediately if serious or life threatening*.


  • Reporting Injuries

It is important for the athletic training staff to promptly evaluate all injuries and illnesses sustained while participating in Colorado School of Mines Club Sport related activities. As such, it is the responsibility of the individual athlete to report to the athletic training staff as soon as possible following the injury or illness. Clubs are responsible for reporting all off campus injuries and/or on campus injuries if staff isn’t present within 24 hours *immediately if serious or life threatening*.


  • Athletic Training Facilities

The athletic training staff will be stationed at the Med Shed next to Intramural Field South when high risk clubs are practicing.



  • Medical Confidentiality

The athletic training staff will respect privacy by utilizing standard methods of confidentiality. He/she will not discuss any patient’s private medical information unless medically necessary or without prior consent.


  • Conditioning and Preparation for Participation

Club sports seeking professional conditioning for their teams during the off-season must get approval from the Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports to coordinate services.


  • Accident Reports

Any injury that occurs during club activities (home or away) must be reported and recorded with the Club Sports Office by the athletic training staff, club sport staff, recreation center staff, and/or Club Sports Council Vice President. The staff or club’s risk management officer must complete the accident as soon as safely possible. If a serious incident occurs (athlete taken to emergency room) off campus or at non-Colorado School of Mines Recreation facilities, it must be reported to the Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports immediately. A written or online accident form must also be submitted on the same day the team returns.

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Practices, Games, Functions & Other Facility Requests

Practice and Competition Facility Usage

Facilities coordinated for club sport use by the Campus Recreation Department include: Intramural South and North, Tennis Courts, Student Recreation Center, Clear Creek Athletic Complex, Steinhauer Fieldhouse, Volk Gym, Student Center or any other facility on campus. Clubs who arrange for facilities outside the University are responsible for the arrangement and payment of those facilities. If the facility rental requires a Purchase Order for payment, the Purchase Order must be completed prior to usage of the facility.


Practice Scheduling Process

  1. Club practice days are Monday through Friday.
  2. The practice scheduling process for the Fall Semester begins in the second half of the Spring Semester. The practice scheduling process for the Spring Semester begins in the second half of the Fall Semester.
  3. Clubs are informed of the process for facility scheduling two weeks before the scheduling process begins to allow clubs to plan practice needs. After the practice schedule is submitted and approved, there will be no other additions to the practice schedule. Exceptions to the practice schedule are presented to the Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports.
  4. Club Sports Officers submit an electronic form that lists preferences for club practice times, locations, frequency, and days of each week to the Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports.
  5. Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports works with requests to develop a draft of the practice schedule.
  6. Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports emails all club officers with a draft of the practice schedule allowing clubs to make modifications to the schedule and add additional practices in any open spaces.
  7. Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports adjusts the practice schedule as needed.
  8. Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports submits final schedule to Scheduling and Event Management Coordinator.
  9. Scheduling and Event Management Coordinator confirms practice schedule.
  10. Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports emails confirmed schedule to all clubs.


Game/Tournament Scheduling Process

  1. Home games are tournaments are Fridays through Sundays.
  2. The game/tournament scheduling process for the Fall Semester begins in the second half of the Spring Semester. The game/tournament scheduling process for the Spring Semester begins in the second half of the Fall Semester.
  3. Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports books facilities during the scheduling period for all spaces that could be used for Club Sport games/tournaments.
  4. Clubs submit game/tournament schedules as clubs receive the schedules from their governing bodies to the Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports.
  5. Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports resolves conflicts on game/tournament schedule.
  6. Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports emails Scheduling and Event Management Coordinator game/tournament schedule.
  7. Scheduling and Event Management Coordinator emails facility confirmations.
  8. Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports emails any game/tournament modifications a minimum of two weeks in advance if the request requires to Scheduling and Event Management Coordinator.
  9. Facility Scheduling Coordinator emails confirmations to Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports.


Game and tournament schedules should be submitted to the Club Sports Office as soon as the schedule is done. All clubs should submit their schedules as this also assists the office in several aspects of club management.


Other practice/competition items:

  • Regular practice and game schedules must be approved by Campus Recreation prior to use.
  • Field lining requests must be submitted three weeks prior to an event. If multiple fields will be used this usually requires additional field lining.
  • If teams want to schedule indoor time, these requests are taken on a first come, first-served basis and Club Sports Officers should email or call the Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports.


Field Use Policy

  • The last day for field usage in the fall is November 17th. Exceptions to this date must be submitted for approval before usage.
  • Fields open for use each spring March 1st, depending on the winter field conditions. Clubs should consider alternative sites until after Spring Break.


Field Cancellation Policy

  • Fields may be deemed “UNPLAYABLE” at any time by Campus Recreation staff.
  • When fields are determined to be unplayable (i.e. standing water, saturation, snow, pouring rain, lack of visibility, freezing temperatures), activity is suspended and/or cancelled to avoid further damage to the field or risk of injury to individuals.
  • Field Closures are usually made by 2:00pm and this is communicated via email by the Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports.
  • If a club sport cancels a practice or game, notify the Club Sports Office immediately. This allows the staff to make adjustments with athletic training staff and to the facility reservation.


Hosting an Event

The Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports must approve all on campus events before any planning begins. Facility request must be made 2 weeks prior to the date of the event using the online game and event request form. Tournaments and/or larger scale events require at least four weeks approval, and will required detailed planning. Club Sport are responsible for reserving the competition facility, preparing the facility for the competition date and cleaning the facility after the event.

Once the activity is identified, begin checking the feasibility of the event:

  • Are the dates requested available? ● Are there any conflicts?
  • Do you have the financial resources required?
  • Will you need to charge higher entry fees to cover costs?
  • Does the Club Sport have adequate skills to pull the event off? Will you need outside help? At this point, if the event is still a “go” you should begin to think about preparation tasks.


Depending on the scope of the event, arrangements will need to be made concerning the following:

  • Facility/Field reservations
  • Contracts and agreements (facility, visiting teams, officials/referees, etc.) ● Monetary transactions (change fund/cash box, admission charges, refunds, etc.) ● Security
  • Food and refreshments
  • Safety and First-Aid
  • Advertising (posters, flyers, ads, news releases, etc.)
  • Equipment requirements (tables, chairs, public address, AV, goals, etc.)
  • Set-up tear-down and clean-up
  • Contingency plans for weather, lack of light, cancellation, etc.


Youth Events

Please speak directly to the Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports before planning, hosting, or participating in any event involving youth participants as there are strict policies regarding minors on campus.


Alcohol Marijuana at Home/Away Competitions/Events

No one, at any time, is authorized to consume, bring, or sell alcohol, marijuana or other drugs in/on any of the facilities on the premises of Colorado School of Mines. Campus Police will be notified and the Club Sport disciplined if found to be in violation of this University policy.


In addition, it is the policy of the Department of Campus Recreation that no alcohol is to be consumed by any Club Sport member before, during, or after the event at the place of competition. All team travel is considered to be a “dry event” for the duration of the dates identified on the travel document. The entire Club Sport and/or individual violators will be disciplined by the Club Sports Council and/or Judicial Affairs if this is not strictly adhered to.


Campus Facilities

Intramural South and North, Student Recreation Center, Clear Creek Athletic Complex all provide training and competition facilities for on campus clubs.

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Weather Policy & Cancellations

Inclement Weather

Inclement weather will close outdoor fields for practice and/or competition. The Club Sport professional and student staff will determine when this will occur. The following situations will ALWAYS warrant cancellation:

  • Tornadoes, Floods, Lightning, Fire
    • Standing water on the field
    • Snow or Ice
    • An activity that damages the field


Club Sports Officers should call the Club Sports Office (303-273-3646) for field closures. Daily notifications will be sent out via FusionIM to all participants.

  • Field closure decisions are usually made by 2:00pm.
  • Moving practices indoors is highly unlikely. Clubs should utilize strength and conditioning as an alternative.



Tornado Watch: Means the conditions for a tornado are present in the atmosphere.

Tornado Warning: Means a tornado has been sighted. Outdoor practices and competitions should be ended immediately and all equipment should be secured. All participants and supervisors should leave the site and seek shelter. Indoor participants should seek shelter away from windows, preferably in a basement or low-lying area.



  • Know where fire alarms and fire extinguishers are located.
  • Stop activity, sound fire alarm and evacuate the building to an area at least 150 feet from the building.
  • Call 911 and give precise location, your name and phone number. Stay in an area where you can direct police or firemen.
  • Once out of the building, DO NOT RE-ENTER and do not let anyone else into the building until told to do so by a university official.


Sports Area Lightning Policy

The Club Sports Program follows the University policies and procedures for lightning and activity cancellation. The Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference uses WeatherSentry, an online lightning detection and weather monitoring system made by Schneider Electric, to be aware of inclement weather. The host of the athletic event can give his or her email and/or telephone number via text to the MxVision WeatherSentry Online system so he or she can receive weather updates.

The Flash/Bang NCAA method is used to estimate the distance between your location and a lightning flash.

How it works: After a flash of lightning, the number of seconds is counted until thunder is heard. The number of seconds it takes corresponds to how far away the lightning is. For example, if thunder is heard 5 seconds after a flash, then the lightning is 1 mile away. If the thunder is heard 10 seconds after a flash, then the lightning is 2 miles away. So on and so forth. Get to a safe location if the time between the lightning flash and the rumble of thunder is 30 seconds or less.


The systems are not infallible and common sense should still govern-- if the conditions do not appear to be safe to resume activity it is best to wait until the weather circumstances change regardless of an all clear by the systems.




Practice/Game Cancellations

Clubs must notify the Club Sports Office of practice cancellations no later than 24 hours the day prior to their schedule practice, or 12PM on Friday for Saturday and Sunday events. Failure to do so may result in the club being financially responsible for the cost of renting the field and/or space, staff scheduled for the time of practice, scrimmage and/or game and/or athletic trainer.


Changes in game times and locations, or cancellation of games, both home and away, must be communicated to the Club Sports Office no less than 72 hours in advance of the scheduled game. Note - notification does not mean the change(s) has been approved. Short notice changes may necessitate trips being canceled and home events being postponed/canceled.

Due to the high volume of home event requests, Club Sports will cover the cost of one trainer and student staffing for approved, in-season league games only. Tournaments, scrimmages, alumni games and any other event, the club will be responsible for all staffing costs and potentially field rental costs.

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Injury Reporting - On Campus

Associated Risk

Understanding of risk management is important in order to provide the best possible environment for, and to protect Club Sport participants and Colorado School of Mines. Prudent and reasonable conduct is expected of all Club Sports and their members. Risk management is the responsibility of all individuals involved in the Club Sports Program. There are a number of procedures included in this section that can help to manage the inherent risks in Club Sport participation.


First, completion of all club participation forms prior to participation is important to risk management. Officers should never allow an individual to practice, compete or travel without verifying the completion of all forms with the Club Sports Office. All participants and completed forms are listed in the Student-Athlete Database which is accessible through the Club Sports Council.


Second, regardless of how much planning and preparation goes into an event, accidents and injuries can happen. Procedures have been identified to assist club sport participants in dealing with emergency issues. All officers should be knowledgeable about these procedures.


Participant Health Insurance

Given the inherent risks of Club Sport activity, Club Sport participants are required to have health insurance. Insurance company and policy number will be collected from each participant on initial sign up.


First Aid/CPR/AED Certification

Safety is extremely important and all precautions should be taken so that club members and visiting team members practice safe procedures when participating in a Club Sport event or activity at Colorado School of Mines as well as away from Colorado School of Mines.


Everyone in the Club Sport program must be certified in Red Cross CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer and First Aid and their certification must not expire before the end of that season’s academic year (May). Each club’s risk management officer will need to work closely with the Club Sports Council Vice President to ensure 100% compliance and in coordinating classes. Red Cross classes are offered through the Club Sports Office. If a club needs to certify an individual, class dates can be found on the Campus Recreation portal.


On-Campus Accident/Injury Emergency Procedures Note:

  • Non-life threatening injuries are situations that do not require immediate medical attention. This includes minor injuries that might require administering ice (i.e. minor sprains or strains, and bandages for minor scrapes or cuts). You do not need to contact the police in these minor situations.
  • Life threatening injuries are injuries that require immediate medical attention (i.e. unconscious, difficulty breathing, etc.). You do need to contact 911 and Public Safety in this situation.


For non-life threatening injuries:

  1. Stay with the injured party.
  2. Notify the athletic training staff.
  3. The athletic training staff will assess the situation and direct appropriate actions.
  4. The athletic training staff is responsible for completing incident/accident reports.

For life threatening injuries where EMS and Public Safety is contacted:

  1. Call 911
  2. Stay with the injured party.
  3. Notify the club sport staff & athletic training staff via runner.
  4. Athletic training staff will radio the Club Sports Supervisor and update them with the progress of the situation and what care has been given.
  5. Immediately contact the Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports. If you leave a message, include a brief description of the event, the name of the participant involved and the actions that have been taken. Continue to call until someone answers! If you cannot reach a Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports, continue calling up the department Emergency Communication Tree until you have notified a full-time staff professional of the situation.

In the event of a life-threatening incident, immediately assist Public Safety to sequester and obtain witness accounts from observers and/or individuals who assist student staff in an incident.

  1. Once the person has been cared for, the athletic training staff is responsible for completing incident/accident reports.
  2. Do not leave the scene until a Campus Recreation professional has indicated you can do so.


If there is a potential safety problem on a field or with any facilities or equipment, please notify the Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports (303)273-3646 (if no answer leave detailed message) as soon as possible so that problems can be resolved or potential injuries can be prevented.

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Injury Reporting - Off Campus

Associated Risk

Understanding of risk management is important in order to provide the best possible environment for, and to protect Club Sport participants and Colorado School of Mines. Prudent and reasonable conduct is expected of all Club Sports and their members. Risk management is the responsibility of all individuals involved in the Club Sports Program. There are a number of procedures included in this section that can help to manage the inherent risks in Club Sport participation.


First, completion of all club participation forms prior to participation is important to risk management. Officers should never allow an individual to practice, compete or travel without verifying the completion of all forms with the Club Sports Office. All participants and completed forms are listed in the Student-Athlete Database which is accessible through the Club Sports Council.


Second, regardless of how much planning and preparation goes into an event, accidents and injuries can happen. Procedures have been identified to assist club sport participants in dealing with emergency issues. All officers should be knowledgeable about these procedures.


Participant Health Insurance

Given the inherent risks of Club Sport activity, Club Sport participants are required to have health insurance. Insurance company and policy number will be collected from each participant on initial sign up.


First Aid/CPR/AED Certification

Safety is extremely important and all precautions should be taken so that club members and visiting team members practice safe procedures when participating in a Club Sport event or activity at Colorado School of Mines as well as away from Colorado School of Mines.


Everyone in the Club Sport program must be certified in Red Cross CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer and First Aid and their certification must not expire before the end of that season’s academic year (May). Each club’s risk management officer will need to work closely with the Club Sports Council Vice President to ensure 100% compliance and in coordinating classes. Red Cross classes are offered through the Club Sports Office. If a club needs to certify an individual, class dates can be found on the Campus Recreation portal.


Travel and Off-Campus Emergency Action Plan

Chain of Command

  1. EMT/Ambulance
  2. Athletic Trainer
  3. Host’s on-duty staff
  4. Club Sport Vice President
  5. Other Club Sports Officer or member with highest level of medical training

If EMT/Ambulance is ON SITE, they will take command

If EMT/Ambulance is NOT ON SITE the next person on the chain of command will take command

EAP Roles

  1. Initial Responder: Designated by the chain of command – In addition to responding to the emergency situation and providing initial care for those in need this person is charged with controlling the situation, keeping others calm and collecting, and working to ensure the safety of others involved/nearby.
  2. Call Person: Appointed by the Initial Responder – Responsible for calling 911, emergency services, and/or others as directed by the Initial Responder.
  3. Club Sport Members: Will aid in crowd control and assist the initial responder in all possible ways, and will provide their account of event for incident report

During an Emergency

  1. Initial Responder will assess the situation, designate a Call Person, and provide immediate care, as necessary.
    • NEVER move a seriously injured person unless their life is in immediate danger
  2. Call Person dials 911, as appropriate, and relays information to emergency services
    • Call Person is responsible for meeting emergency services and directing them to the scene of the emergency
  3. Club Sport Members aid the Initial Responder in what is needed
  4. Club’s Vice President, or other officer in their absence, notifies Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports of all emergencies, and life threatening and serious injuries as soon as possible.
    • Minor injuries do not need to be reported immediately, but Incident Report must be submitted to the Club Sports Office no more than 24 hours after the completion of travel
  5. Club’s Vice President completes Incident Report and submits to Club Sports Office no more than 24 hours after the complete of travel

Accident Report

  1. *Rental Vehicles - ensure you have copies of the State of Colorado Insurance Certificate before travel.*
  2. Accident reports should be filled out legibly and completely using only facts. Use ink, not pencil.
  3. An accident report will be completed for all incidents in all Campus Recreation programs as determined within each program area.
  4. Travel kits have handouts with on-campus and off-campus resources to provide to patrons following injuries.
  5. Accident reports are not to be copied and given out. They are department documents only. Should a person need a copy of their accident report, they will need to contact the Colorado School of Mines Office of Risk Management. Travel MED Kits
  1. Teams MUST carry a travel med kit for ALL off-campus travel
  2. Travel kits include but aren’t limited to:
    • First aid and athletic training type supplies
    • CPR one way mask
    • Rolls of pre wrap
    • Rolls of tape
    • Gauze
    • BandAids and Bandages
    • Medical Scissors
    • Space Blanket
    • Latex Gloves

NOTE: The travel kits can be restocked with more supplies upon request to the CSC Co-Vice Presidents.


Emergency Notification Plan

The Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports must be notified as soon as possible following:

  • All emergency situations
  • Life threatening injuries
  • Serious injuries
  • Major and minor vehicle accidents/incidents


Following any of the situations listed above, and whenever a club member feels it is prudent to do so, but only after activating the EAP outlined above, clubs should notify the Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports. If the Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports is not reached, a message should be left and then the Assistant Athletic Director/Director of Recreational Sports should be notified. The flow of communication is as follows:


Club Officer

Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports: John K. Howard - Office: 303-273-3646 or Cell: 720-469-9404

Director of Intramurals: Adam Hickle - Office: 303-273-3646 or Cell: 303-910-0538

Assistant Athletic Director: Robert Thompson - Office: 303-273-3907 or Cell: 720-272-2875


NOTE: If the emergency is life threatening or death, call until someone answers.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Any incident involving a motorized vehicle, minor or major, must be reported as soon as safely possible. *Rental Vehicles - ensure you have State of Colorado Insurance Certificate before travel.*




  • After emergency response situations, the department will review the incident with staff and students involved.
  • This review should include factual events, emotional impacts/support, and updating of department’s plan for future emergencies.
  • When needed, additional support personnel from on campus will be contacted for assistance.


Emergency Phone Procedures


Call Emergency Number: 911


My name is: State your name


I am calling from: State, as specifically as possible, the location from which you are calling.


There is a possible: State the type of injury/incident (seizure)/emergency.


The person is: State their condition (not breathing and turning blue).


We need: State the type of rescue service (an ambulance) to respond to

: Identify the exact location.


Be prepared to provide additional information to dispatcher:

Gender Age

Known medical conditions Known allergies Symptoms of situation

For fights: number of people involved and types of weapons involved


Never talk to the media! Please direct all questions to the Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports


Remember, any injury that occurs during club activity must be reported to the athletic training staff.


Missing Persons Procedures

Club Sports draw a significant amount of spectators to their events. In these large gatherings, it is a highly possible situation that someone will become detached from their group and may become lost. It is extremely important that the Club Sports do not take this issue lightly and follow protocol precisely.


Missing Persons Protocol:

  1. Obtain a detailed description of the person ● Name, gender, age, hair color, eye color
    • Approximate weight and height
    • What the person is wearing, color and type of clothing, shoe color and style (most important) ● Location of where the person was last scene
  2. Call the campus police at 911. This step occurs in combination with step 1.
  3. If missing person is a youth and is found accompanied by someone other than the parent or legal guardian: ●

Use reasonable/undetectable efforts to delay the departure of the adult accompanying the child.

  • Do not disclose to the individual that you know what they’ve done or are doing. This minimizes the risk to the child.
  • Do not put you, the child, or other patrons at risk.
  • If accompanying adult leaves, get a good description of them, along with vehicle, license plate, and direction of travel if possible.
  • Be an excellent witness – notice details – clothing, hair color, scars, tattoos, etc. ● Provide information to police.
  1. Documentation – Complete incident report even if person was just lost.
  2. If person is not located, activate department Emergency Notification System by contacting the Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports.


Club Sport members should keep track of each other while on the road. Clubs are encouraged to develop an accountability system for their members so no one is left behind at any venue.


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PA Credit - Eligibility, Registration & Grading

All club sport PA classes are closed for instructor signature.


We will need to verify:

1) The club has completed all the requirements to be eligible to earn PA credit.

2) Each student has fulfilled their requirements of club sports (school) before adding them to PA credit.

This will avoid teams that are not eligible for PA credit for whatever reason from incorrectly having people sign up then having to drop as well as persons who did not make the team or did not complete the requirements thus being ineligible to receive PA credit from signing up in the first place. PA credit is a byproduct of participating in club sports, so we have to make sure everything is complete before adding folks.

Below is the information we are providing each club officer board at year end meetings:

  • PA credit  
  • It will be closed/Instructor Signature 
  1. Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports will enter these the day before census day (not signing individual blue slips) 
  1. If clubs and/or the individual do not have all the other requirements done, John will not add them 
  • Not to be difficult but PA credit is a byproduct of participation in club sports and not our main mission 
  1. Out of season clubs likely not eligible for PA credit due to time restraints of census day 


Physical Activity (PA) Credit


Club Eligibility


Physical Activities Credit for Student Participation in Club Sports


  1. Colorado School of Mines Physical Education will grant the credit under the direction of the Coordinator for Physical Activities.
  1. Students are able to obtain the full two (2) PA credits for the graduation requirement
  2. Participation per qualifying semester is worth one-half (½) credit. Thus, it is attainable to receive PA Credit in four (4) consecutive semesters.
    1. All credit is subject to the discretion of the Coordinator for Physical Activities and the Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports (SDIMCS), who is a member of the athletic faculty, with the regard to the following criteria listed in following sections.
    2. Concurrent enrollment does not count towards the 2 credit PA graduation requirement.
    3. 3rd and 4th semester of Club Sport class registration might impact financial aid eligibility, please see your financial aid counselor for details.



  1. Club must be sanctioned by the Colorado School of Mines Club Sports Council (CSC) meeting all requirements listed in the Club Sport Handbook.
  2. Club must have demonstrated history of accountability, organization, and professionalism with the SDIMCS. This includes upholding the Athlete Code of Conduct that is required for all club members
  3. Club must have a contracted coach approved by the SDIMCS.
  4. Coach must have a demonstrated relationship with the DIMCS with regard to standards of honesty and integrity. This is consistent with the Coach's Players conduct Agreement signed at the start of each academic year.
  5. Coach must be willing and able to keep an accurate attendance log available for review by the DIMCS at random times.


  1. If certain circumstances do not allow for the Coach to be present at every practice throughout the season, the Club Executive Board must meet with the CSC and the DIMCS to discuss and approve a system for appropriate record keeping and grading.
    1. Club must meet a minimum of two hours per week for scheduled practice time.
    2. Grading based on performance will be at the discretion of the coach and shall include attendance for training sessions (i.e. practices, CPR class, and other required trainings). The minimum attendance policy in effect for all PA courses is as follows:
  1. A drop in 1 letter grade for every two absences.
  2. Excused absences must be made up or they are unexcused.
  3. Six or more absences results in an automatic failing grade.
    1. Club Accreditation must be renewed each year in the spring prior to the Registrar's deadlines for adding classes to the Fall Schedule and reviewed during the first week of fall classes.

i. If a club fails to meet the criteria during the first week of school of the club members will be required to drop the course. It is upon the student to withdraw officially from the course.


  1. Club Sport athlete must be on the roster by Census Day to receive PA credit.
  2. Club Sports athletes must remain in Good Academic Standing as outlined by the CSM bulletin
  3. Club Sports athletes must be first aid, CPR & AED certified through the academic year
  4. Club Sport athletes must hold to standards of conduct consistent with Colorado School of Mines policies and those of the Student and Club Sports Handbook and the Athlete Code of Conduct when representing the school at an event.
  5. Attend practice! Practice is the method of attendance.
  6. Failure to meet these criteria will result in the student's withdrawal from the credit or a failing grade at the discretion of the Coordinator for Physical Activities, SDIMCS, and Club Coach


  1. Club sport coaches are responsible for supervising practices, as noted in the Coach's Player Conduct Agreement.
  2. The Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports will be responsible for the overall academic integrity of the grading by ensuring through continual monitoring and oversight that the criteria for club sport grade accreditation as outlined in section II are met.
  3. SDIMCS and the Coordinator for Physical Activities will meet regularly to discuss progress and issues relating to the integrity of the spirit of the accreditation.


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Excused Absence & Proctoring Exams

Missed Class Policy

Colorado School of Mines recognizes that participation in the Club Sports Program will sometimes require students to miss class. University policy allows for missing class as long as it is a university-sponsored event. A student will be allowed to miss up to 6 days per semester total for all events, organizations and clubs. This means each student athlete will have a total of 6 excused absences regardless of the sport each absence is used for. Anything over will be unexcused.


When a team submits their travel request form, a request for information regarding a missed class letter is included in that letter. Requests for excused absences for the entire semester must be submitted four days prior census day of that semester.


To create the most positive interaction with faculty members, club members are required to discuss class absences as a result of club sport participation with their professors at least three weeks in advance. Club members are responsible for all work missed during their absence and are required to meet with their instructor to determine plans for rescheduled or make-up exams and assignments. Failure to do so may result in club members not being excused and/or allowed to make up work.

Proctoring Exams

Please have your professor(s) contact John Howard, Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports to make arrangements to pickup and return the exam. Do NOT accept any exams due to the liability of academic fraud. 


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Logos, Artwork, Uniforms & Licensing

Branding Guide - please reference the Branding Guide in addition to the following policies. 




Colorado School of Mines Logos and Artwork

All club sports must utilize the Colorado School of Mines Club Shield as the logo on printed materials in order to identify an organization’s affiliation with the University. The University has official and/or registered trademarks, which makes it illegal to use them in a commercial way without the University’s permission.


Using Club Logos

Colorado School of Mines clubs are required to use the Colorado School of Mines Club Shield as the primary mark. All designs must be in good taste, and consideration must be given to ensure they are not sexist, racist, or derogatory in any manner. The Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports must approve all designs before printing or production. Any manufacture of merchandise must be done by a licensed vendor.


Printed Materials

All club sports must use the club shield on the front of printed materials in order to identify the organization’s affiliation with the University.


Licensed Apparel Vendors

All apparel must be approved by licensed vendors and the Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports. Denver Athletic is the preferred provider of Athletics and Club Sports.



T-shirts, uniforms and other specialty items produced by or on behalf of University organizations for events, identification, marketing, or fundraising purposes must legibly display the official logo, Club Sport Shield, as the primary mark, somewhere on the item in addition to any other logos or designs. Prior to production all apparel designs must be approved by the Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports. All logos and symbols associated with the University are registered trademarks, and only licensed vendors are able to produce products with licensed materials. All designs must be in good taste, and consideration must be given to insure materials are not sexist, racist, or derogatory in any manner.


Alcohol/Tobacco/Marijuana Sponsorships/Donations

Sponsorships and donations by companies that produce alcohol, tobacco and marijuana products are prohibited. This policy includes breweries. When seeking sponsorships, donations, distribution of products, and/or advertising please remember that marketing/promotional materials and events are reflective of Colorado School of Mines. Each club/team is considered an ambassador of the University and publicity, materials, t-shirts, etc. can generally be attributed to the University image. Clubs must promote positive messages.


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Marketing & Promoting Your Club

Please get prior approval from the Club Sport Council Vice President of Communications before starting or making any item. They have templates and will help you throught the process!




Club Sports is excited to promote games and events. Club Sports has developed a marketing system to assist club sports with advertising and promotion. Publicity of club sport events is two-fold, that occurring prior to the event designed to interest fans and the publicity after the event which communicates the success of the Club Sports Program.


Campus Recreation Marketing


Club Sports utilizing a yearly marketing calendar in order to market and promote all of the club sport recruitment, tryouts, practices, games, matches, alumni events and much more. It is critical your yearly plan is submitted on time and kept up to date throughout.


Twitter and Facebook

The Club Sports Office has developed a Twitter page on which upcoming events, results and other information about clubs is posted. Please forward any information and any links to the Club Sports Council Secretary to be placed on the Twitter or Facebook page. Since its inception, the number of followers on this page has continued to grow. Club officers and participants are encouraged to start following the Club Sport Twitter and Facebook page.


Elements of Effective Publicity

  • All advertisements should include the essential information such as team, opponent, date, time, place and any sponsoring groups.
  • Printed materials should be easy to read, yet distinct and eye catching.
  • Time is crucial in effective publicity. Material such as posters, flyers, and table tents should be ready to distribute at least four weeks before the event. Public service announcements should be sent at least three weeks before the event.


Mail Advertising

  1. Sending publicity and advertising via mail can be a public relations tool for club sports. The following steps should be followed:
  2. The letter and contents must be approved by the CSC Secretary prior to production.
  3. Intercampus mail MUST show the name of the department and club for sorting purposes.
  4. Campus Mail is limited to University business.
  5. Both campus mail and off-campus mail with postage affixed can be dropped off at the Student Recreation Center Front.
  6. For personal mail and parcel shipping, students can use Shipping & Receiving at 19th and Elm Street..
  7. Any off-campus mailing MUST either be stamped or submitted to Mail Service with complete CSM return address.


Event Results

Events results should be reported to the Club Sports Office within 48 hours from the club sport teams to the CSC Secretary.


Use of Residence Hall Mailboxes

The use of Residence Hall student mailboxes must be approved by the CSC Secretary and follow the policy:


Daily Blast E-mail Distribution System

Clubs may request advertisement in the Daily Blast. Please e-mail the message to                                                                                                                                                         . Please e-mail in the exact format you would like to forward on to the distribution list. Distribution requirements are listed at:





Display Advertising

  • Deadline is 4:00 p.m., two business days prior to publication. Earlier deadlines apply for special promotions and before holidays
  • Ad proofs are available upon request. Deadline for corrections is 4:00 p.m. the business day before publication



Student Recreation Center

Advertising within the Student Recreation Center is coordinated by the Club Sport Council Secretary.


Display Cases

There are locked display cases in the Student Recreation Center in which we will market club tryouts, events and games.


Brochure Rack

Club Sports has one side of the Brochure Rack next to the Student Recreation Center Front Desk. All materials must be approved by the CSC Secretary. Advertisements, items can be placed in the racks for approximately six months at a time.



Prior approval from the CSC Secretary is required, and the policy regarding chalking is listed at:



The Club Sports Office is equipped to copy items for Club Sport up to 50 per copy job. Clubs that split copy jobs as an attempt to circumvent rules will lose copying privileges. Large copy jobs, binding, and color copies will be outsourced.


Process for large copy jobs, binding and color copies:


  • Usage of logos and artwork must be approved



Incoming & Outgoing Mail

Incoming mail should be addressed as follows:

Colorado School of Mines (Club Name)

Student Recreation Center 1651 Elm Street

Golden, CO 80401


Mail is held at the Recreation Center in the specified mailbox for each club. Clubs should check their mailbox at least two times per week. All packages are expenditures to the club account and should be brought directly to the Club Sports Office and approved by two officers before mailing. Mail to Residence Halls need not be stamped and need only have name, room number and hall to be delivered. Family Housing mail requires stamps. Bulk mailing (over 200 pieces - each piece identical) may also be handled through Mail Service. Contact the Club Sports Office if you are planning a bulk mailing.


Web Page

Club Sports Council will develop and maintain each club’s webpage. Clubs can submit update requests and results on                                                                                                                                                    . Club Sports                                                                                                                                                       reserves the right to edit or reject requests.


Suggestions for websites include:

  • Since a club’s website is the window to current participants, potential participants and fans, it is required that the club keep the site up-to-date weekly when in season.
  • Make sure any website contains the following minimal information:
  • Team name
  • Contact information
  • Competition schedule/results
  • Participant roster and player bio


Social Media

Club sports are encouraged to maintain active social media profiles. All clubs must follow CS policies and procedures while operating their social media and are required to share log in information with the CSC and other marketing club sports professionals. These platforms can be very beneficial to fundraising, increasing participation, and increasing fan interactions with the clubs. Clubs are responsible for all actions on their club pages and should actively monitor comments on these pages. Clubs can face minor or major disciplinary actions based upon the actions of others on their pages.

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The Club Sports Program is operated entirely by student fees, club dues, and Club Sport fundraising. Club Sports must also raise their own money to meet their budget through dues, donations and other approved fundraising initiatives.


Allocation of Funds

The Club Sports Council finalizes distribution amounts of the allocated student fees sum among the individual club sports based on several criteria: national/league dues; officiating fees of home league games; justifiable operating costs of the club for league participation. The first step in club finances is to develop a budget for the club sport. Budget development occurs once per year during the fall semester, in order to meet the University budget development process which occurs in early January.



How to Receive Allocated Funds

In order to receive allocated funding, each Club Sport must submit a Budget Request. The club will receive an allocation from the Club Sports Council based on their proposed budget and anticipated needs. The allocation will be dispersed during the fall semester in accordance with standard procedures as determined by the Vice President of Treasury.




The first step in club finances is to develop a budget for the club sport. Budget development occurs once per year during the fall semester, in order to meet the University budget development process which occurs in early January.


Steps for budget development:

  • Review the club expenditures for the two most recent semesters to evaluate how the club budget was spent.
  • Consider the clubs plans for the next year (types and amounts of expenditures vs. income).
  • Develop a realistic budget for the club plans.
  • Meet with the Club Sports Council to discuss your budget proposal.
  • Submit the budget by census day.


The Club Sport Treasurer is willing to meet with officers to answer questions in the budget development process.



All club finances are tracked via the usage of a number of forms. All forms have the most recent directions for completing the form contained on the form. Officers should utilize the directions and other information on these forms to complete the form in a timely and correct manner.


Club Account Sheets

Every club sport has an account sheet that is accessible from the Club Sports Council Treasurer. This account sheet shows all account activity and current balance. If a club sport has spent money and it is not showing on the account sheet, bring it to the attention of the Club Sports Council Treasurer. The same goes for deposits. The club account sheets demonstrate the financial health of the club sport and should be reviewed by the president and/or treasurer on a bi-weekly basis. The club account sheets also include a description of the items on the account sheet and what they mean.


Use and Types of Funds

All clubs receiving “allocated funds” from the University should generate additional revenue “generated funds” during the fiscal year to support the club. Allocated funds can only be used in certain ways, whereas, the club may spend “generated income” however it wishes as long as it is consistent with University policy (i.e. no alcohol).


Allocated Funds

Allocated funds may be used for the following budgetary items:

  • General:       
    • league fees, officials/referee fees
    • regional or national affiliation dues
  • Travel:
    • transportation – allowances will be made for the least expensive method available
    • lodging costs
    • entry and registration fees
  • Equipment:
    • uniforms or supplies that belong to Colorado School of Mines (stays on campus not with athletes)
  • Office:
    • copying, poster board, markers, telephone
    • advertising (Collegian, Student Involvement Fair, etc.)
    • shipping and handling fees


Note: All unused allocated funds will be returned to the supplemental funds account at the end of the academic year.


Generated Funds

Club Sport are expected to generate additional revenue during the fiscal year to support the club. The club may spend this “generated income” however it wishes as long as it is consistent with University policies (i.e. no alcohol).

Generated income could include, but is not limited to:

  • Player dues
  • Donations
  • Apparel sales
  • Event admission
  • Fundraisers


Dues and Depositing Funds into the Club Sport Account

Dues must be paid the day before Census Day at a time specified by the Club Sports Council  each semester through the Recreational Sports Portal: The portal will be setup with the Club Sports Council Treasurer. Club dues are a minimum of $100 per person, per semester. Dues can be increased as agreed upon in the budget. Note – to simplify transactions, dues will be in increments of $5. There is a 3% processing fee and 2% administration fee added to each transaction. The Club Sports Council can waive dues on a case by case basis if the request is sufficient.


Gifts and donations are required to be made through the Foundation. This is required to be coordinated with the Club Sports Council Fundraising Chair. All matters involving generating, collecting or soliciting funds requires pre-approval from the Club Sports Council Treasurer and/or Fundraising Chair and the Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports.


Loans to Clubs

As a matter of practice, the Club Sports Office does not loan money to Club Sport. Clubs can get loans from the Club Sports Office only if the club has guaranteed funds that are coming into the club account. Examples of guaranteed funds include: money from donation letters that have been received, but haven’t cleared by the Colorado School of Mines Foundation, or money that is owed to a club from a reputable business. Club officers must meet with the Club Sports Council President and Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports to discuss the possibility of a loan to the club. All loans must be repaid in the same fiscal year and will require a written letter outlining how and when the loan will be repaid and if it is not, holds will be placed on each club member’s student account by evenly distributing the balance amongst the club. The letter must be signed by all the club officers and Club Sports Council.

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Reminder - only the club treasurer is allowed to make purchases (with approval from the club sport council vice president - treasurer)

Expending Funds from the Club Sport Account

Clubs spend their funds in a number of different ways. All expenditures must be pre-approved by the Club Sports Council Treasurer, and the Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports. This ensures that the appropriateness of the expenses and documentation is correct and appropriate paperwork is attached. Only the club’s treasurer is allowed to spend funds.


Tax Exempt Status

Colorado School of Mines claims tax-exempt status as a political subdivision of the state by virtue of Section 115 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. A letter with Colorado School of Mines’ tax exempt information is available from the Club Sports Office if the vendor requests a copy or to take with you to Colorado hotels/rental companies. Tax exempt status is not available when making purchases outside of the State of Colorado.


Purchase Approval Request Form:


The Purchase Request Form must be utilized for all purchases made by a club regardless of the final payment method (P-card, Purchase Order). Instructions and important information about completing the form are included on the back of the form. All purchases must be pre-approved. This pre-approval takes into account the type of expenditure and the budget for that expenditure. You must provide justification for the purchase! Why are you spending club funds on this purchase? How does it benefit the club?


A Club Sport service invoice (payment to individuals) or business invoices (payment to a business) must accompany all requests for payment. It will take 30 working days to get a check from the University.


Purchasing Food for Team Use

All food for team use, other than that used during travel, is considered to be hospitality and has restrictions on usage. See the Club Sports Council Treasurer before any hospitality occurs.


Making donations to other organizations

Student organizations and other groups that have a Colorado School of Mines account are not allowed to make donations from allocated or self-generated funds. However, if an organization wants to conduct a fundraiser for another entity, the following guidelines will apply:

  • Donation monies must be raised through a fundraising program, which clearly states where the money will be donated; for example: “50% of the money raised from this bake sale will be donated to the Jefferson County Foothills Animal Shelter.”
  • Checks for the fundraiser should be made out directly to the group receiving the donation.
  • Donations of any kind cannot be made to churches or political campaigns.


Purchasing Gifts/Prizes/Awards

Gifts and gift certificates are not allowed to be purchased with club money. It is recommended to show thanks by:

  • Making a certificate of appreciation.
  • Purchasing a reasonably priced engraved plaque.
  • Taking a collection from club members to use for the purchase of a gift.


Clubs may choose to offer an award, but the club must have prior approval from the Club Sport Council Treasurer. 


Sales Tax Collection on Merchandise Sold

  • The University policy states that sales tax needs to be collected on tangible merchandise sold. The sales tax rate is 7.5%.
  • Each Club Sport needs to collect tax on those sales on goods which the organization either purchases outright for resale or produced for resale (for example t-shirts, bake sales, plants, bumper stickers, hats, etc.) You do not need to collect sales tax on dues, ticket sales, entrance fees and services.


Before the sale:

Price items for sale by using the following method:

  1. Calculate sales tax and add to the cost of the items (example $0.25 x 1.0755 = $0.268375 round up to the nearest penny $0.27).Then round up so that you will not have to deal with pennies (example: $0.27 could be $0.30 or $14.93 could be $15.00).

After the sale:

  1. Count all of the money then divide by 1.0735. This figure will be the amount of profit you made. (Example: $25.00/1.0735 = 23.288 rounded $23.29).
  2. Subtract the $23.29 from $25.00 = $1.71. This is how much you collected in taxes.
  3. Include the tax calculations on the deposit slip and deposit at the Recreation Center Membership Services Desk (downstairs).


Note: You are taxing the people who are buying the goods. You are not paying taxes. Vendors sponsored by an organization are responsible for collecting and remitting sales tax.


Important Information about Expenditures

  • ALL purchases must be pre-approved.
  • Reimbursements are not allowed by the University. You WILL NOT be reimbursed for personal purchases made without prior approval from the Club Sports Office. If the individual responsible for encumbering funds in the name of the club does not get prior approval, he or she may have to pay for the purchase. If an unforeseen expenditure occurs, contact the Club Sports Office immediately.
  • University, Campus Recreation, and Club Sport regulations shall govern all expenditures.
  • Significant advance preparation is required for all expenditures, so PLEASE PLAN AHEAD!!
  • Individual club members are liable for money promised on vendor contracts that are not approved by the University contracts office or Club Sports Office prior to signing.
  • The Club Sports Council Treasurer cannot approve deficit spending. Should a club be in deficit at the                                                      end of the fiscal year, the following procedure will take place:
    • Allocated club funds will be frozen and the club will not be allowed to operate.
    • The club may again function as a part of the Club Sports Program after they deposit, from generated income, the amount of dollars to cover the deficit.
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When using the funds in your University account for travel, be aware of the many stringent regulations placed on the use of club funds by the State and University. Contact the Club Sports Council Treasurer as soon as any pertinent information on registration or entry fee is obtained. To authorize travel, club officers must complete the required travel forms in advance. Again, plan the trip ahead of time! Clubs must submit travel paperwork for all club related travel even if it is a “no-cost” travel.


Travel Policy

All students are permitted to travel in association with the business of their registered student organization(s). As representatives and ambassadors of Colorado School of Mines, students are expected to behave in an appropriate manner at all times. Drivers and passengers are expected to follow University policy and Federal, State and local laws. All travel must be authorized in advance by the Club Sport Council and Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports, documenting the benefit and its relation to the primary purpose of the University. Each club is required to attend the weekly Club Sport Travel Meeting the week of or before traveling.


Club Sport Travel

As representatives of Colorado School of Mines and the Department of Campus Recreation, all club sport members are expected to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner when traveling. Member behavior can impact a club’s reputation as well as the reputation of Colorado School of Mines. The policies and procedures of the University and those articulated in this manual are in effect when clubs travel. Reports of infractions or any other activities that negatively reflect upon the University may result in disciplinary actions. Depending on the circumstances of a situation, privileges such as facilities and Student Fee funding may be frozen until the situation is resolved. Please review the Code of Conduct in this manual as well as the Colorado School of Mines Student Code of Conduct with ALL members prior to leaving.


All Club travel is considered “dry” travel. Alcohol and other drugs may not be used during the duration of the travel dates identified on the travel document.


General Travel

Procedure Pre-Trip

Step 1: Submit all travel itineraries 4 weeks prior to departure for trips involving expenses and 2 weeks prior to departure for all trip not involving expenses (failure to complete itineraries on time will result in a warning for the first offense, followed by a $200 fine, this fine will increase by $50 for every additional late travel itinerary)

Step 2: No less than fourteen business days prior to the trip, ensure the travel authorization form, including directions, transportation and lodging information is signed. You must also provide the Club Sports Office a finalized list of travelers before departing.

  • Only current club members who have completed all requirements (waivers, dues, first aid training, etc.) and approved coaches who have completed all requirements (HR paperwork, first aid training, etc.) are allowed to travel with the club this includes vehicles, hotel rooms and any other aspect of the trip.


Step 3: Attend Mandatory Club Sport Travel Meeting the Week of or Before the Trip;

           Failure to attend a meeting will result in an initial warning, all missed travel meetings after that will result in a $250 fine

Step 4: While traveling keep all itemized receipts pertaining to the trip (gas, lodging, food, entry/registration fees).



Within 24 hours of completion of the trip, complete the Post-Travel Report and electronically submit all receipts. You will need to scan or take a picture of each receipt and attach it to the report. No receipt = no reimbursement. For gas reimbursement, legibly write the name and cwid of each person for each receipt for reimbursement.


Step 1: The Club Sport Council Treasurer will complete the Travel Expense Report based on the information and receipts                      submitted on the Post-Travel Report.

Step 2: Once this is completed, you will sign the expense report.

Step 3: If there is money owed from the School to the Traveler, you will receive reimbursement. If the Traveler owes                      money to the School, you will need to bring a check or money order made out to, “Colorado School of Mines” to            the Club Sport Office.

Travel Reminders:

  • Clubs will be subject to disciplinary action if travel reports, receipts are not submitted within the allotted time frame.
  • Itemized receipts are required to verify expenses. If receipts are not submitted the club’s treasurer will be held liable for all trip expenses. Please look at the dates on each receipt to ensure that the receipts are

applicable to the time period covered during travel.

  • Any travel advance must be requested a minimum of fourteen days before the advance is needed. This needs to be requested on the travel itinerary.
  • Money left over from a travel advance may not be utilized for expenses other than travel and it is required to be returned with travel paperwork.

The following items can’t be reimbursed:

  • Personal expenses
  • Travel insurance
  • Traffic/Parking fines
  • Costs from accidents and thefts

In addition to the above mentioned forms, each club officers are required to complete the following forms at the beginning of each school year:

  • Colorado School of Mines Travel Authorized Volunteers Travel Approval Form


Duly authorized University representatives may be provided liability protection if the use is consistent with their responsibilities. The State may provide liability protection on the use of Transportation Services (Motorpool) vehicles if the student(s) driving are “authorized volunteers” (State Statue CRS 24- 10-101 et seq) and the use is consistent with the destination and purpose of the documented travel. While a student organization in itself cannot be an “authorized volunteer,” individual members may be classified as such if their travel meets all criteria of this policy. The statute requires compliance with three important factors to qualify as an authorized volunteer: The individual(s) driving must in all cases be acting,

  1. At the request of the University,
  2. Under the control of the University, and
  3. For the benefit of the University.

No State liability protection is provided for any personal or other unauthorized use of a vehicle. Thus, even if the vehicle is being used primarily for an authorized purpose, protection does not exist for any deviations

from the designated purpose or authorized destination(s). Furthermore, no such protection is afforded when any use of a vehicle involves willful and wanton behavior, such as driving recklessly or under the influence of alcohol or other substances that impair judgment.

  • Traveler Information Form
  • Travel Voucher Signature Delegation Form
  • Driver Agreement Form


Travel Advance Process

  • When a team needs cash for travel they must indicate why and how much on the Travel Itinerary form 
    • This must be submitted at least 14 days in advance to process for dispersal!
    • The maximum amount for a cash advance is $500. If the club needs more money, they must email the Club Sports Treasurer detailing the expenses and why a credit card is not an option.

Once the Travel Itinerary is processed, the Club Sport Council Treasurer will notify the club’s treasurer to sign the Travel Authorization form.

  • The Travel Authorization will then be signed by the Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports and submitted to the Travel Office.
  • The Travel Office will let the traveler (club’s treasurer) know when the advance is ready for pick up (check) or via direct deposit. In general these are processed for dispersal the Thursday before the trip.


Travel Originating Out of State

There are many restrictions in place regarding out of state travel. This includes the driving distance and/or time that is allowed each day. You will need to be very detailed in your travel intentions when completing the Travel Itinerary to ensure the trip be not approved or canceled.


Hotel Reservations

To make hotel reservations, follow the directions listed on the Travel Request Form. The Club Sports Office requires reservations be made by the Club Sport Council Treasurer on the School’s event card prior to the actual trip. This avoids the incorrect credit card being charged.

Be cautious about the number of individuals per hotel room. Some hotels are very strict and will require clubs to rent more rooms to accommodate the number of team members once you arrive. This can alter travel expenses.


Hotels expect guests to behave appropriately. Club officers are responsible for the club members in regard to hotel behavior. Clubs are representing Colorado School of Mines and if something goes wrong, they contact the Club Sports Office or other offices on the campus with their concerns. VRBO and AIRBNB may or may not be allowed depending on the renter’s requirements and contract. Additional time is needed to approve these contacts so allow at least four weeks prior to traveling for approval.

Airline Reservations

Clubs planning on traveling by plane will be required to get a quote from the School’s travel agent to determine the state’s best available fare. The Club Sport Council Treasurer will be the person initiating the quote and serve as the club’s contact throughout the process.

Internet Airfare Policy

CSM contracted travel agencies can offer affordable internet fares with reliable itineraries. If a club chooses to purchase their own air fare, here are some important guidelines.

Secure pre-trip travel authorization by completing the Travel Itinerary Form.

  1. Savings: there must be at least a $50 savings between the travel agent’s rate and the online price.
  2. Documentation of the amount of the travel agent’s cost and savings must be included with the travel request paperwork.
  3. Copy of the itinerary must also be included with the travel request
  4. If the above criteria is met, the airfare can be purchased with the School’s event card. If purchased out of pocket, reimbursement to the travelers is granted after the trip is completed.
  5. Each Club Sport team accepts full responsibility for meeting deadlines, requesting changes and any fees .








There are currently three options available for vehicles when traveling:

  • Enterprise Rent-A-Car has cars and vans available for in-state and out-of-state travel.

o Ensure you have copies of the State of Colorado Rental Insurance Certificate

  • Personal vehicles. Mines Liability

Duly authorized university representatives may be provided liability insurance protection if the use is consistent with their responsibilities. The State may provide liability insurance protection on the use of Transportation Services (Motor Pool) vehicles if the student(s) driving are “authorized volunteers” (State Statute CRS 24-10-101) and the use is consistent with the destination and purpose of the documented travel. While a student organization itself cannot be an “authorized volunteer,” individual members may be classified as such if their travel meets all criteria of this policy. The statute requires compliance with three important factors to qualify as an authorized volunteer: The individual(s) driving must in all cases be acting,

  • At the request of the University.
  • Under the control of the University.
  • For the benefit of the University.

No State liability protection is provided for any personal or other unauthorized use of a vehicle. Thus, even if the vehicle is being used primarily for an authorized purpose, protection does not exist for any deviations from the designated purpose or authorized destination(s). Furthermore, no such protection is afforded when any use of a vehicle involves willful and wanton behavior, such as driving recklessly or under the influence of alcohol or other substances that impair judgment.


State-owned vehicles may not be used:

  • For political, personal, non-State employer business, or religious purposes.
  • For personal benefit of any individual.


Enterprise Rent-A-Car

Enterprise is the state selected rental car company. Reservations are made by the Club Sport Council Treasurer. Drivers and passengers must be in compliance with the Enterprise policies at all times. Ensure you have a copy of the State of Colorado Rental Insurance in each rental vehicle. Any damage to vehicles must be reported in detail (take pictures) to the Club Sports Office immediately upon return.


If a student is found to be at fault in an accident while on a trip that student will not be permitted to drive rental vehicles while on future Club Sport trips.


All drivers for Enterprise vehicles must be at least 18 years of age to rent or drive the vehicle. Driver’s requirements is available:                                                                                                                                                     


Privately Owned Vehicles

While private automobiles provide a very cost effective means of transportation, there are disadvantages that must be considered. Liability issues should be of primary concern for organizations that choose to use personal automobiles to travel. Be sure each vehicle has appropriate insurance, current inspection and registration as required, and that individuals traveling in private vehicles understand they do so at their own risk. Drivers need to be aware that by choosing to drive, they assume responsibility for the safety of those traveling in their vehicle. This means that drivers must follow all traffic laws and safety guidelines, and should also make sure that their vehicle is in safe working condition before beginning at trip.


High-Occupancy Vehicles

There are risks associated with driving a high occupancy vehicle that need to be considered. Much data exists on the risks associated with high-occupancy vehicles. Accidents can occur more frequently when the vehicles are driven by people not accustomed to the larger vehicle’s size and weight.


Driver Selection

All drivers (whether in rental vehicles or private owned vehicles) will be required to complete the Driver Form. In order for an individual to be eligible to drive during club sport trip, a driver must:

  • Be at least 18 years of age (21 yrs. To drive a rental vehicle);
  • have a valid driver’s license;
  • have current vehicle registration (if driving a private vehicle);
  • Possess personal automobile insurance coverage;
  • agree to obey all local, state and federal traffic laws;
  • agree not to drive under the influence of alcohol or any illegal drug;
  • agree not to possess or transport alcohol, illegal drugs, firearms or weapons;
  • agree to wear a seatbelt and require all passengers to wear a seatbelt;
  • agree to abstain from horseplay, racing or other distracting or aggressive behavior;
  • not permit any unauthorized person to drive the vehicle.


Safe Driving Practices

Here are some suggestions for having a safe driving experience during a club trip:

Obey all traffic laws, especially speed limits.

  • Wear seat belts. The number of passengers in the vehicle must not exceed the number of available seat belts at any time.
  • Begin the trip well rested.
  • Avoid driving when conditions are hazardous (i.e. fog, heavy rain, snow, ice, etc.) Check the weather where you are traveling through as well.
  • No horseplay, racing, or other distracting or aggressive behavior.
  • Plan routes in advance.
  • Carpool and caravan where possible.
  • Break the trip up into segments, stopping at least once every hour to 90 minutes.
  • Do not consume, possess, or transport alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs or unauthorized firearms or other types of weapons.
  • Carry a flashlight and approved fire extinguisher in all vehicles.
  • Avoid taking medication prior to driving, especially if the label warns against operating a vehicle while taking medication.
  • Check with the Club Sports Office upon departure and return.
  • Have at least one cell phone per car, everyone has numbers and there are designated check-in times.
  • Do NOT drive between 10pm and 6am.
  • Drivers should have at least 6 hours of sleep before driving.
  • On extended trips, have at least one other approved driver in the vehicle. It is recommended that drivers rotate every two hours.
  • A passenger or second driver should ride in the front passenger seat and remain awake at all times.
  • Pull over to a safe location if a driver is drowsy and let someone else drive.
  • Do not transport luggage or other items on top of large capacity vehicles.
  • When in doubt, use common sense.
  • If multiple cars are taken, at least one officer of the club (or someone sufficiently versed in club sport policy) should be in each car.
  • If an accident or breakdown occurs, know and follow pre-established emergency procedures.



Emergency Procedures

If you are involved in an accident:

  • Stop immediately and notify the local police or call 911.
  • Fill out a police report (necessary for insurance purposes).
  • Obtain the names and addresses of all witnesses.
  • Do not make any statements as to who is at fault. Do not make any offers to pay damages. Fault or legal liability will be decided by the appropriate authorities.
  • If you are driving a rental vehicle. Follow the notification and emergency procedures outlined in the rental packet.


If someone is injured in the accident:

  • If a club member is transported to the hospital, at least one officer must accompany him/her. Notify parents of the player ASAP.
  • If a serious injury occurs (home or away) call the Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports, John Howard, at 303-273-3646 during business hours or 720-469-9404 ASAP. If they are not available, call the Intramural and Club Sports Coordinator, Adam Hickle, 303-910-0538.
  • Any changes to travel plans due to bad weather, vehicle breakdown, accidents/injuries, etc., contact the Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports ASAP.
  • Please direct all questions to the Senior Director of Intramural and Club Sports


Other emergency situations to consider:

  • What happens if your group gets separated on the road?
  • What happens if someone gets ill/needs to go home?
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