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What are Intramural Sports?

From the Greek words “intra”, for within, and “mural”, for walls, these are sports run “within the walls” of our institution. The emphasis in intramural sports in on participating and fun, not on intense competition. There are “A”, “B” and “C” skill levels so even if you are new to a sport, there is a place for you.

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Who is eligible to participate in intramural sports at OSU?

All students who are paying full student incidental fees with a valid IM Pass are eligible to participate in intramural sports. Additionally, anyone who is a member of Recreational Sports with a valid IM Pass may also participate in intramural sports. There are special circumstances for which an individual who meets the criteria above may not participate. Example: A member of a varsity or professional sports team may not play in that specific or related intramural sport. See the Intramural Sports Handbook for more details

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How do I register for intramural sport leagues, tournaments, and events?

All participants must create an IMLeagues account and have an active IM Pass to be eligible to register for intramural sport leagues, tournaments, and events for that term. Log into IMLeagues from the OSU Rec Sports website to create an account and obtain an IM Pass. Registration for specific activities will be completed online through IMLeagues.

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How much does it cost to play intramural sports?

Individuals will purchase an IM Pass for $20 per term to play unlimited intramurals (player eligibility rules will still apply). IM Pass can be purchase online through IMLeagues. Some events may have additional fees to help cover the cost of facility expenses such the Family Weekend Golf Tournaments.

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How do I purchase an IM Pass?
  1. Login to your existing account.
  2. Click the “Home” button in the upper left corner
  3. Click “My Payments” under your name in the upper left corner
  4. Click “My PayPackages”
  5. Click “Buy PayPackage”
  6. Select Credit Card or Student Charge and click “Buy Now”
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How do I create a team?

After you log in to IMLeagues click the “Oregon State University” button at the top of your page to go to the homepage. Here will be listed all of the league sports and tournaments and events for the entire term. Find the sport/activity you'd like to participate in and click on the icon.

Next it will outline all of the important information for that sport/activity. Select which league you'd like to participate in for that sport (men's, women's, open, co-rec). Click on the league and then on the next page you'll have the opportunity to either "create a team" or "join as a free agent". If you have a group of friends to play with already, create a team. If you don't have a team, join as a free agent, and now teams can view your profile and contact you if they need more players.

When creating the team you will be required to take the quiz, select a team name, agree to the waiver, etc. After the team is created, start inviting players through your captain toolbar.

If this is a league sport you must attend the mandatory manager’s meeting. Only one representative from the team needs to attend this meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to give participants an overview of the league and sport, review sport specific rules, and how managers can contribute to the success of the sport.

Some tournaments and events may require managers to attend a mandatory manager’s meeting. Information will be outlined on the specific sport page.

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What is Preregistration?

Preregistration allows a team manager to create a team in a league before registration opens. This allows a team to complete quizzes, payments, and build their team roster all before registration opens. When registration officially opens, the team manager can move from the preregistration waitlist into a specific day and time slot.  

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If I am the team manager, how do I know whether or not a player has been successfully added to my roster?

Joining players to your roster is easy. Managers send players an invitation through IMLeagues. Players must create an account in IMLeagues AND join the team. Once they accept the manager's request (or send a request of their own) the captain must accept them on to the team. Note that players can be added to a roster, but will be ineligible for participation in an activity until they have purchased an IM Pass for that term.

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If I don’t have a team, can I still sign up for IMs?

Individuals not on a team but interested in playing intramural sports can register as a “Free Agent” for a specific activity in IMLeagues. Once registered as a free agent, teams can request to add you to their team or you can request to join a team. Free Agents looking for a team and Team Captains looking for players can also attend Free Agent Roundups. More information on Free Agent Roundup dates and locations can be found

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How often will my team play in our intramural sports league?

Teams will typically play about once a week. Occasionally, a team can play twice in one week if they reschedule a game because they were unable to make the originally scheduled game. For teams that qualify for playoffs, a new schedule is created and teams may play multiple times during the week in order to complete the bracket before Finals.

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My team decided on a league time, but now most of us can’t make it. Is there a way we can change our league time?

Once registration closes, leagues will be locked and teams will not be able to change leagues. It is not guaranteed, but you may stop by the Sport Programs Office in Dixon and request a league time change. If the request is approved, a $5 fee will be assessed to the student account of the team manager.

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How can I find out when my team plays next?

Sport Programs will email all team captains when the schedules are posted to IMLeagues. To access your schedule, log on to IMLeagues and go to your team page. Your schedule will be posted there as well as on the sport's main page.

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My team can’t make our scheduled game. Is there a way to avoid a forfeit fee?

Yes, you have the ability to either default or reschedule your games. A default means that you will not play your game nobody gets charged the forfeit fee. Team requesting a default will receive a loss, opponent will receive a win, and both team will receive a 4 for conduct scores. Defaults must be made by 2pm at least one (1) business day prior to the scheduled game. The team manager can default a game by calling the Sport Programs Office 541-737-4083.

Managers will also have the ability to reschedule their games through IMLeagues by going to the team’s page and selecting “Reschedule” next to the specific game. Reschedule requests must be completed by 2pm at least two (2) business days prior to the original game.We encourage team managers to connect via IMLeagues to discuss possible reschedule days/time before sending a request to increase reschedule efficiency.  

Team managers will select a day and time and will send the reschedule request to their opponent’s team manager, who will either accept or decline the request. If the reschedule is agreed upon, it will be sent to Sport Programs for review. Games are not officially rescheduled until approved by a Sport Programs administrator. It is the responsibility of both team captains to check and see if a reschedule or cancellation request is approved.

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What are the forfeit fees?

Forfeits negatively impact Intramural participants and staff and are therefore billed, reported, and assessed to develop programs which minimize the occurrence of forfeits.

Through IMLeagues, team managers will authorize OSU to charge either $20, $10, or $5 to their student account for forfeited intramural contests. Team managers will be charged $20 for a team forfeit within a league or officiated tournament, $10 for a team forfeit within a tournament or event, and $5 for an individual/dual forfeit within a tournament or event.

Team managers and individuals will be charged forfeit fees for “No Shows”. A no show occurs when a team manager or individual registers for an event on IMLeagues, does not attend the event/tournaments, and fails to notify the sport coordinator that they are dropping out from the contest.

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What must my team do to be eligible for playoffs?

“A” league teams have the opportunity to participate in playoffs (Exception: IM Bowling Playoff determination will be determined based on league size). After regular season games, qualifying teams will have the opportunity to opt-in or out of playoffs. To be eligible for playoffs, teams must have an average conduct rating of 3.25 or better. Teams must also maintain an average conduct rating above 3.25 throughout the duration of playoffs. Should a team drop below a 3.25 after any contest, they will be disqualified from the bracket. Based on league size and regular season records, teams may be divided up into separate brackets. All playoff games are single elimination.

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How do I win an Intramural Sports Championship T-Shirt?

Champion Shirts are awarded to the overall winner teams/participants for our leagues and special events by division. There are no t-shirts awarded in B and C leagues.

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What intramural sports are offered each term?

Information on the sports offered during each term can be found on the Oregon State IMLeagues website. Leagues, tournaments, and events vary each term.

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I am interested in becoming an official. What should I do?

If you are interested in becoming an official for Flag Football, Volleyball, Basketball, Soccer, or Softball visit and fill out an application. Official’s clinics are provided for each sport to teach the fundamentals of officiating for each individual sport. No previous experience is required! You are also still eligible to participate in the sports league you officiate.

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Do I need insurance?

Recreational Sports does not carry insurance on participants. It is recommended that participants purchase accident and health insurance. OSU Student Health Services offers affordable health insurance packages.

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