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Who can play intramural sports?
Intramural sports are open to all UIC students, faculty and staff. You just need to make sure you have an I-Card.
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Does it cost to play intramural sports?
No. Intramural sports are free to all students, faculty, and staff. However, faculty and staff must be members of the facility or pay a $10 daily entrance fee to enter the facility.
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How do I register for intramurals?
You can pick up registration materials in three different locations: Student Recreation Facility (SRF), Sport and Fitness Center (SFC) and online at Fill out the form thoroughly and return it to the main desk at either the SRF or the SFC.
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When do I register?
You can register for events any time during the semester.
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Do I have to attend a captain’s meeting?
Yes, there is a captain’s meeting for every event. The meeting will only last about fifteen minutes. If you fail to attend, you will be charged $25.00 that must be paid before your team can participate in team leagues and tournaments If you are participating in an individual event, you must attend the meeting or you will be removed from the bracket. Please contact Christian ahead of time if you have a schedule conflict.
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What if I turn in a roster without enough players?
All players must be added to the current roster prior to the first week of play. Players are not allowed to register on site without preregistering. Teams who do not have a full roster will not be included into the league.
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How many teams am I allowed to play on?
You are allowed to play on one co-recreational team and one team based on gender.
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My intramural team cannot make it to our game tonight, what should we do?
League games will not be rescheduled. If possible, you should call the intramural office by noon to default your contest. If you default, your team will not be charged a $25 fine. If you fail to show without notice, it will be considered a forfeit and your team captain will be charged $25. The penalty must be paid before the next contest. We will attempted to reschedule tournament games if we are given forty-eight hours notice.
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What do we get if we win a league or tournament?
You receive an intramural championship t-shirt.
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I would like to play intramurals, but I can’t find a team. What should I do?
Any individual that would like to participate but does not have a team may put their name on the Free Agent List. Free agents are also encouraged to attend the captain’s meeting as another means of finding a team. The intramural sports program does not place individuals on a team but will assist them in finding a team. There is no charge to be placed on the free agent list. Sign up as a free agent online.
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How are the leagues and tournaments divided up?
Intramural sports are first divided into three different leagues: men’s, women’s and co-rec. The co-rec league is designed for men and women who choose to play together. If there are not enough participants for a co-rec league, women will be allowed into the men’s league. If enough teams register, an effort will be made to set up competitive & recreational divisions. If there are not enough teams, there will be an open league.
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Student Recreation Facility (SRF)

Day Time Monday – Thursday 6:00am – 11:00pm Friday 6:00am – 9:00pm Saturday 9:00am – 9:00pm Sunday 11:00am – 11:00pm

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